Why You Should Niche Down in 2022

One of the biggest mistakes you can make as a business owner is not niching down enough and constantly be speaking to a very wide, unspecific group of people. But at the end of the day, being successful in your business is about targeting a specific group of people so that your ideal client can hear you.

Niching down, especially when you’re just starting out and want to get as many clients and customers as possible, can feel scary. I get it, I’ve been there! But now that I’ve niched down, I’ve realized it’s okay if every single person doesn’t hire me and the ones that do are always the right clients for me.

If you’ve been considering niching down, 2022 is the perfect time to do so and I’m sharing my secrets about how you can niche down and make it beneficial for your business.

What is a Niche?

Let’s start off with the obvious - what is a niche? The word “niche” has definitely been a buzzword in the business world as of late but what exactly is it? A niche is a defined portion inside a larger category. So for me, my niche is brand photography with the larger category being photography. I can even go narrower within brand photography and work specifically with women in business (which is something I do!). I have a specific, targeted group of people that I speak to and support.

niching down

What’s the Benefit of Niching Down?

By narrowing down your niche, you’re able to have a higher earning potential than you would if you were targeting a broad audience. You’re able to optimize your systems, market to your ideal client, and have a competitive edge over other businesses in the industry.

While niching down can be scary since you’re targeting a small, very specific group of people, it’ll allow you to really get into the mind of your ideal client so you can sharpen your focus, help you get creative, and really cultivate your community.

how to determine your niche
tips for figuring out your niche

How Narrow is Too Narrow?

When you’re niching down, there is no such thing as being too narrow. By offering something specific to a specific group of people, you’re able to create a memorable brand. Don’t worry about pleasing everyone and just focus on the group of people that matters.

How to Figure Out Your Niche

When you’re looking at ways to niche down, start with your overall category and narrow things down from there. You can even include specifics into your niche like age, location, and industry.

Also, ask yourself the hard questions. What is the number one question people will be asking you? What do you bring to the table that other businesses don’t? What is my unique selling point?

Remember to my honest with yourself about your expertise, the services and product you offer, and how they benefit others. From there, take action and start marketing yourself and your services/products.

Tips & TricksRachel Cox