How to Network as an Introvert

Going to a networking event can be a really exciting experience, but if you’re an introvert, the idea of walking up to a bunch of strangers, introducing yourself, and talking to them can be really scary. And as much as I don’t want to say it, when people say “the more you put yourself out there, the more comfortable you’ll be” - it’s true!

Whether you’re an introvert or extrovert, here are my best tips for networking so you can build your brand.

networking as an introvert

5 Tips for Networking as an Introvert

Go Into a Networking Event with an Intention

Networking events can be really beneficial and can help you grow your band astronomically and going in with goals will help you stay on track and help you avoid feeling lost. Whether you write it down your intention or keep it in the back of your mind, use it to guide your conversations and your networking event will be a success!

A few intentions you can set for your next networking events:

  • Spreading the word about your business

  • Meeting new people

  • Putting yourself outside of your comfort zone

  • Meeting other creative entrepreneurs

Establish Your Elevator Pitch

At networking events, you will be introducing yourself over and over again and if you’re not used to introducing yourself or it’s your first networking event, having a great elevator pitch will keep you from being flustered. Your elevator pitch should be roughly 20-30 seconds and introduce who you are and what you do.

An example of my elevator pitch:

Hi! I’m Rachel Cox, owner of Lumen Creative Co. and I provide elevated brand photography for women in business.

Have Some “Get to Know You” Questions Ready

Keeping a conversation going with someone you just met can be hard (and awkward!) but if you have a set of “get to know you” questions in your back pocket, continuing those conversations is a breeze!

A few go-to questions:

  • What do you do for work?

  • What inspired you to get started in that type of work?

  • How long have you been in the industry for?

  • Are you local to the area?

  • What are you passionate about?

Your goal with these questions, and small talk in general, is to get people to talk about themselves so you can take the pressure off of yourself.

Dress to Impress

If you look good, you’ll feel good. Depending on the type of networking event you’ll go to, you’ll want to be mindful of the environment you’ll be in and what the expected dress code is going to be. For a more formal business-focused networking event, you’ll want to dress business casual but if you’re joining us at a Gather & Collab event, you can dress casually!

Also, always wear shoes that are comfortable! If your shoes aren’t comfortable, you’ll be miserable and it’ll impact your mood.

Have you been to a networking event recently? What are your tips for putting yourself out there?

P.S. If you’re local to the Northern Colorado area, connect with other business-minded women through Gather & Collab! As a founding member, I am SO excited to share this resource with you. We facilitate networking events to foster connections with other inspiring, hardworking, and incredible women in NOCO. It’s always a fun, casual, and collective experience!

Tips & TricksRachel Cox